Saturday, October 14, 2006


scribbled down in typed letters11:37 PM

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

just another day in school... cept for a SUPER DOOOO-ED PHYSICS LESSON!!! or preferably known as a new holistic approach towards teaching the young future of tomorrow... yes... CRAP LA it was just F-U-N!!!

we were cracking up at transverse waves being mixed up and thought to be latidutinal(spellin?) waves...

scribbled down in typed letters9:58 PM

Monday, October 02, 2006

i'm an imsomniaic?? whatever the spelling is. but i'm up at 2 in the morning BLOGGING because i feel that it's a good way to "destress" hahaa it's just a lame excuse to use the comp la(universal truth acknowledged)...

as i was struck by a stroke of "organisation", i decided to write down all the homework the super frazzled and not-surprisingly-more-stressed-than-us teachers gave.... YES it was ALOT. and i just realised that on top of the many past-yr amath O lvl papers that i HAVE to complete to get my fundementals right, i've got 5 other school's prelims... like WTH....

is this called gettin stressed? if it is then i've just been initiated..

right now, since that my msn contact list is VERY limited as there are like 7 ppl online..i'm having a convo with a singaporean bridget jones LITERALLY... supergluing her hands together and trippin over her dress on her date....doesnt it ring a bell to all you bridget fans??? haha

there's been another count down on my emotional clock...2 more lessons and british council wraps up FOR GOOD.....what's gonna happen from then on?.....we're not on that page of closer frens yet and i doubt group study is possible and i'm stressing myself too much cos i dont even know whether he cares bout this or not..... grrrrr.....

but i'm still counting: 2 more lessons.

scribbled down in typed letters1:55 AM

Me identifying myself

Hello world =D
Name is Wyntrice
Am Seventeen and counting
Still using blogger and not lj
Studies in Tampines Junior College
Studied in Chung Cheng High (Main)
my family
"circle of trust"
My Computer and My TV

simple wants and wishes

He Jun Xiang
For the lucky8 ball result to COME TRUE
it's a bloody lie la
幸福 =)
lets groove

Credits to


self-censorship is the KEY
